ADTS 403 is the latest in a series of reliable, high accuracy, air data test systems designed for the civil aviation industry.
A military qualified version of this instrument is also available, the ADTS 401 (see ADTS 401 data sheet). The compact, rack-mount design has evolved as a result of GE’s continuous research and development, customer feedback and experience gained from manufacturing thousands of automatic pressure controllers. This has enabled performance, ease of maintenance and operational simplicity to be optimized.
The ADTS 403 is a twin-channel Ps and Pt pressure control system used for the precision calibration/ verification of aircraft pitot-statics, compliant with reduced vertical separation minima (RVSM) requirements. A separate pressure/vacuum supply unit type PV 103 provides suitable pneumatic supplies.
Fully programmable for a wide range of fixed or rotary wing aircraft, the ADTS 403 enables vital flight instrumentation, such as altimeters, airspeed indicators, rate of climb indicators, Mach meters and air data computers to be quickly and accurately tested.
The ADTS 403 has been designed for 483 mm (19 in) rack mounting and being only 178 mm (7 in) (4U) high with a range of IEEE 488 interfaces available it is ideal for use with existing automatic test equipmen (ATE) systems. In addition to automated and local keypad control, a remote hand terminal option is also available for even greater flexibility of operation.
Control Key Function:
1. ALT/Ps Altitude read and value entry.
2. Speed/QC Airspeed read and value entry.
3. Mach/Pt Mach read and value entry.
4. EPR Engine Pressure Ratio test (Ps/Pt for inlet/exhaust).
5. RoC/Ps Rate of climb, rate of speed entry and timing display.
6. Rate Timer Select timing for RoC testing or leak testing.
7. Hold Freeze control value to ‘on state’ at current conditions.
8. Rate control for Pt channel.
9. Help On-screen operator advice.
10.Leak Measure/Control Select Measure or Control Mode.
11. Ground Controlled vent to ground and read QFE/QNH.
12.Local/Remote Keypad control or ATE/IEEE 488.
13. Port Select multi-outputs on Ps and Pt if Line Switching Unit (LSU) is in use.
14. Print displayed values if printer connected.
15. Execute Test Manual stepping when in-built.
16.Program The test program manager option is available.
17. Set Up Select units, limits, local conditions, display format, etc.
(A) Remote Control
Terminal A remote control hand-held terminal complete with approximately 2 m (6 ft) long cable.
(B) Bench Case
A case to enclose the instrument for benchtop use.
(C1) IEEE-488 Interface (SCPI version)
Current air data test systems communications protocol.
(C2) IEEE-488 Interface (Honeywell Sperry compatible)
Compatible with earlier instruments.
(C3) IEEE-488 Interface (Ruska 6610 compatible)
Compatible with earlier instruments.
(D) Test Program Manager
A software package with serial interface mode adaptor. Permits PC based control and program download for resident test routines. Please refer to product note for further details.
(E) Altimeter Encoder Interface
For altimeters with ICAO reporting encoders. Permits display of the bit stream and reporting of altitude value.
(F) ARINC 429 Interface
Permits the ADTS to monitor data from an aircraft bus, display the 12 pitot static label information and transmit to the aircraft. Please refer to product note for further details.
AC power lead—2 m length (6 ft approximately. Ps, Pt, pressure and vacuum hoses—2.5 m lengths (8 ft) approximately. Operator’s manual and calibration certificate also supplied as standard.
Buy: ADTS 403 - Air Data Test System, price: ---- euro
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